Return policy

If you are not satisfied with what you bought and you want to return or exchange, you can do within 25 natural days after received. More details about Return & Exchange Policy, please check the following information.

For Returning

1.The items must be returned in new or unused condition as original.

2.You will be responsible for contacting us before your return. Be sure to include your return reason on a piece of paper in your return package.

3.We are not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen on returning packages.

4.We will refund the price of the items returned,but exclude the original shipping charges and return shipping fees if the return applied.The money will back to your original payment account within 10-15 business days after we received, cause the quality checking for the returning items is required before we do refund for you.


For Exchanging

If you wish to make an exchange, you must return the original item back to us and place a new order.

Also,please be noted that we do not accept any returning packages through DHL or any other expedite shipping methods.

If you want to know more details about your order, please feel free to contact our Customer Service-Contact Us.